'Real life Barbie Doll' JEON SOMI, '2023MAMA' Blonde Princess

2023.11.29 15:30

(MHNSPORTS Heewon reporter) Singer JEON SOMI attended the red carpet event of the '2023 MAMA Awards' held at Tokyo Dome in Japan on the afternoon of the 28th.

JEON SOMI is having a photo time.

The '2023 MAMA Awards' will be held at the Tokyo Dome in Japan on the 28th and 29th. JEON SOMI will be the host on the first day and Park Bo-gum will be the host on the second day. This year's 'MAMA' will be held under the concept of 'ONE I BORN'. It contains the meaning of 'I', the only being in the world with infinite possibilities, and 'MAMA' meeting and becoming a perfect 'One' through positive energy.<저작권자 Copyright ⓒ MHN스포츠 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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